21 July 2015

Stat Values for All Tactics Allies

Here is the list of all the Tactics Allies, and where they sit in the list for Stat Values.

Name - Stat Value
Vassal of the Windlord - 600%
Defender of Rammas - 400%
Winged Guardian - 400%
Booming Ent - 200%
Veteran Axehand - 200%
Watcher of the Bruinen - 200%
Trollshaw Scout - 200%
Westfold Outrider - 200%
Knight of Minis Tirith - 200%
Galadhon Archer - 200%
Boromir - 150%
Veteran of Nanduhirion - 150%
Bofur - 133%
Guthlaf - 133%
Henneth Annun Guard - 133%
Farmer Maggot - 133%
Horseback Archer - 133%
Gwaihir - 120%
Landroval - 120%
Eagles of the Misty Mountains - 100%
Beorn - 100%
Rumil - 100%
Beorning Beekeeper - 100%
Gondorian Spearman - 100%
Descendent of Thorondor - 100%
Erebor Battle Master - 67%
Knights of the Swan - 0%

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