30 April 2015

8th Worst for Threat Value - Beregond

I must admit, the Hero that makes the position of being the eight worst Hero for Threat Value comes as a surprise. It is Beregond. He is a Tactics Hero found in the Heirs of Numenor deluxe expansion. His Threat Value is 90%.

For such a good Hero, we should be able to quickly work out why he is in this "worst" list at all. The answer is simply that he is so good at the one job he does (defending), the best of all the Heroes released so far in fact, that the designers set his Threat Cost at one higher than the figures predict.

This seems like a fair penalty. A Defence value of four is enough for most average enemies to do absolutely no damage to a character at all, and even many of the boss baddies will struggle to scratch him. A defence of four will be high enough in many quests to effectively be invincible. So having your starting threat raised by one compared to what you would expect seems like a small price.

But numbers are numbers, and the calculations put him towards the bottom of the Threat Value list. In this case, I would ignore this position, and instead focus on the fact that he is ranked in 5th place from the top of the Stat Values list.

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