21 April 2015

9th Worst for Threat Value - Theoden

The ninth worst Hero for their Threat Value is the King of Rohan, Theoden. He is a tactics Hero found in the Morgul Value adventure pack in the Against The Shadow cycle expansions. His Threat Value is 92%.

This is a case where a character quickly redeems themselves from this "worst" list by use of their printed text, which the Threat Value calculation does not take into account. Theoden's text box states that every Hero with a printed tactics icon gets one added to their Willpower. This power applies to Theoden himself, which means that in practice his Willpower is three instead of two. If the calculation for Threat Value is done with this changed, his Threat Value rises to become 100%!

So despite being the 9th worst Hero for Threat Value due to his printed stats, we can say that the good old king is quite average (value) once you get to know him a little. By all means, include him in your team of Rohan or tactics Heroes.

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