12 May 2015

Team - Core Set Spirit Heroes

Next we will have a look at the three Heroes from the Core Set provided for the Spirit sphere. Do they make a good team?

As we are seeing with all Heroes in the Core Set, their Threat Values are all 100%, so you get exactly the stats that you pay for. But do they make a good team in individual roles? What about their Stat Values? Well, their Stat Values turn out to be extraordinary.

A defence of two for the Threat Cost of seven gives Eleanor a Stat Value of 114%. Saving her for defence on some rounds is definitely an option, since her Response power is one that you can chose to use or leave during the questing phase. When questing, you will probably keep her ready just in case a nasty When Revealed effect turns up, but if one doesn't then you have a defender for your team in the combat phase.

Eowyn has an amazing Stat Value of 178%. Her four Willpower makes her the best candidate for questing not only in this team but in all of the Heroes released for the game so far. As has been discussed in previous posts, her power only adds to this strength.

Dunhere only has a Stat Value of 100% thanks to his attack of two, but although this seems less exciting than the other two he is still a valuable member of the team. We already have a quester and a defender and Dunhere makes a good attacker. Admittedly an attack value of two won't do much against many enemies, but his power works well with the team as a whole. The Spirit sphere has, on average, the Heroes with the lowest Threat Costs, so it is more likely that you can avoid engaging enemies. This is where Dunhere's ability to attack remotely makes all the difference, and it will boost his attack by one when you do so.

Overall, the Spirit sphere Heroes included in the Core Set make a very good team. The only thing to watch out for, as with all Spirit sphere cards, is that you avoid too much combat.

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