11 June 2015

#1 Ally for Stat Value - Vassal of the Windlord

Which Ally has leapt to the top of our Ally Stat Value list? It is the Vassal of the Windlord! This Tactics Ally is found in the Dead Marshes adventure pack from the Mirkwood cycle expansions. His Stat Value is 600%.

This eagle earns his place by providing three Attack for a Resource Cost of only one. Admittedly, the eagle will leave play after he is used in an attack, but just like the Silvan Refugee and Winged Guardian, this cheap card could give you a much needed boost at the start of a game while you are still building up more stable allies.

The fact that this card is so cheap seems to be characteristic of Allies that made the top places on this list. The measure of Stat Value for Allies seems to reward cards for having low costs more than for having high stats. The top four items in this list have only cost either one or two resources each.

It is also interesting to note that the Tactics sphere dominates the top of this list. Out of the top five Allies for Stat Value, three of them have been from Tactics. The sphere that focusses so heavily on combat also appears to provide some of the best Allies that do one job and do it well. By contrast, it itsn't too surprising that Leadership and Lore Allies didn't get a single look into the top spots.

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