16 June 2015

3rd Worst for Threat Value - Hirluin the Fair

The third worst Hero for Threat Value is the Outlands captain, Hirluin the Fair. He is a Leadership Hero found in the Steward's Fear adventure pack from the Numenor expansions cycle. His Threat Value is 88%.

Taken as a card by himself, Hirluin appears one of the most useless Heroes you will ever see. All of his stats are weak, his Ranged keyword will hardly be something that can make a dent in enemies engaged with other players, and his power only works for the few cards in the game that have the specific trait of Outlands. Why on Middle Earth would he have a Threat Cost of eight?

The answer is found on other cards in the same adventure pack and from throughout the Numenor cycle. The Outlands cards have all been designed so that they give boosts to all other cards with the Outlands trait, and this includes Hirluin. When you start the game he will have one Willpower, Attack and Defence and four Health, but during the game the multi-sphere allies he allows you to play from your hand could boost him to four Willpower, Attack and Defence and seven Health.

The Outlands trait and it's mechanics are powerful but very self-enclosed. If you want to play an "Outlands Deck" then Hirluin is the sole foundation of it all, he makes it all possible. But if you aren't planning to use the Outlands tactic then he doesn't offer anything worth the cost. At least this makes the decision of whether to include him in your team or not very simple.

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