26 March 2015

#1 for Threat Value - Glorfindel (Spirit)

The top spot for our list of Heroes with an above-average Threat Value is taken by the Spirit version of Glorfindel. He is a Spirit Hero from the Foundations of Stone adventure pack in the Dwarrowdelf cycle expansions. His Threat Value is 240%.

Both his Willpower and Attack values of three are remarkable for the Threat Cost of only five. But of course the designers of LOTR LCG have carefully tried to balance these figures with his Forced effect that raises your threat when Glorfindel exhausts to commit to quests. Shall we step beyond my calculations that only take printed numbers into account and look at whether this elf really is such good value for your money?

From his stats, his Predicted Threat Cost is twelve. His Threat Cost is only five, but each time he exhausts to quest he raises your threat by one, so lets pretend that each time he commits to a quest it is like his Threat Cost is increased by one. If his Forced effect is triggered seven times in a game then his Threat Cost is effectively raised to twelve.

So you see that whether Glorfindel really is good value depends on how often you send him questing. If you sent him six times or less within a game then he was good value. If you sent him exactly seven then he was average value. If you sent him eight or more times then he was bad value and maybe you should have considered using a different Hero.

There are two thoughts that make all of this irrelevant, however.

The first is the Spirit card that allows this elf to quest without exhuasting. Attach that to Glorfindel before he has committed to seven quests and you are sorted. This only depends on being able to draw that card.

The second thought is both more obvious and a more certain; don't send him questing! He is a Spirit Hero with three attack and Spirit Heroes are usually weak at attacking! Put him in a team of all-Spirit Heroes as your designated attacker and you have yourself one efficient elf.

After this brief list of three Heroes with the best Threat Values, we will next turn to Heroes with some of the worst Threat Values.

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