31 March 2015

Team - The Top 3 Heroes for Threat Value

We have now covered the three Heroes released so far that have Threat Values higher than 100%. Since there are exactly three of them, it makes sense to quickly consider whether their superior Threat Value makes them a good team for the game.

If we put Bifur, Beorn and Glorfindel on a team we will start with a total threat of twenty-four despite the predicted threat of the three Heroes is thirty-six. This is a great setup; we are getting thirty-six points worth of stats between our Heroes for only two-thirds the actual cost! But we need to look at the spread of those stats and the Hero powers to see whether this team will work together and last the duration of a quest.

First of all we could look at whether we could assign roles to the three Heroes; one quester, one defender and one attacker. We quickly notice that all three Heroes give us two options- not a single one of them fits one role only. Bifur has stats of two on both Willpower and Defence, so he could be either our quester or defender. Similarly, Glorfindel has equal strength on two stats, Willpower and Attack. Beorn would be the only simple because of his five Attack strength however his ability to defend without exhausting and a massive ten Health means he makes a great defender for a limited time too.

The worst possible use of this team would be for Bifur to defend (he wouldn't last long without help), Glorfindel to quest (his Forced effect pushes the threat up and makes the team less efficient) and Beorn to attack.

The better option is for Bifur to always quest. Glorfindel can join him when there is a lot of threat in the staging area, but the rest of the time he can stay ready for attacking. Beorn can serve as both defender and attacker for several rounds because of not needing to exhaust for the former. This team could last quite well on a quest if the player deck included some questing boost, and it would also need some cheap disposable allies or solid defender allies because Beorn won't be able to defend everything forever.

Bifur isn't really key to this team, so we could probably swap him out for another Hero with average Threat Value and a more useful ability. But overall it looks like Threat Value has been a useful way to form a strong team of Heroes.

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