A blog that does some number crunching with the character cards used in The Lord of the Rings Living Card Game that is published by Fantasy Flight Games.
19 March 2015
#2 for Threat Value - Beorn
The number two spot for Threat Value is taken by Beorn. He is a Tactics Hero from the first Hobbit Saga expansion. His Threat Value is 133%.
It doesn't take a genius to see that he earns this rank for two big reasons; his Attack and his Health. Beorn is the only Hero in the game to boast five attack, and no other Hero has anything higher than this. Beorn is also the only Hero in the game with ten health, and again no other Hero can top this. Even with zero willpower and only one defence, the sum of his stats is still amazing.
Of course the game designers have balanced the power of this bear by stopping you putting any attachments on him and making him immune to any effects from your player cards. I think that the most important result of this is that you cannot heal Beorn. With the Sentinel keyword, and the ability to defend without exhausting, mean you will use him offer to defend on behalf of anyone without worry. But the one defence means that that will usually become wounds on Beorn that you will never be able to get rid of. But even when he is close to the brink of death, you still have the Hero with the most powerful printed attack at your side.
With his unique stats and bizarre mix of keywords and card text, Beorn may not make the top spot for Threat Value but he definitely makes the top spot for the most unique and interesting Hero released in the game so far!
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