For the first Team post, let's look at Gloin, Theodred and Aragorn, the three Leadership sphere Heroes included in the Core Set. Do their values indicate they make a good team?
The first thing we can say is that we are getting average value for money. The Threat Value of all three Heroes is exactly 100%, just like all Heroes in the Core Set.
We are almost getting average Stat Value, too. Both Aragorn an Theodred have Stat Values of 100% (due to their attack values) however Gloin only has a Stat Value of 89%. His Willpower and Attack value of two isn't great for a Hero that costs nine starting threat.
Both Gloin and Theodred suffer from what I call Annoying Power Syndrome. By this I mean that their unique power in their text box forces you to use them in a way that their printed stats do not support.
In the case of Gloin, his response triggers when he receives damage, however his defence is his weakest stat so this is only likely to ever be triggered by the occasional treachery or shadow card.
Theodred can provide resources when he commits to a quest, however questing is not his best role. He only has one Willpower, but it is his two Attack that earns him his 100% Stat Value.
Theodred's Annoying Power Syndrome of course is balanced out by his brilliant synergy with Aragorn. Instead of saving Theodred to use his two Attack, you can send his questing with Aragorn and then later make use of Aragorn's three Attack instead. There is no denying this fun combo.
Sadly Gloin does nothing to redeem himself. After the combo of his two fellow Leadership Heroes provides the player with three questing and three attack, we need a defender, and the old dwarf is not one that will last long. He may get rich before he dies, but die he will if you don't get some allies out to help. You could also put some attachments on Gloin to boost his defence, but if you want to make use of his power you would be better off giving him the power to heal himself after he takes that damage.
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