12 March 2015

#6 Hero for Stat Value - Denethor

Only two Heroes from the Core Set made it into the top seven ranks for Stat Value, and the first of those that we see is Denethor. He is a Lore Hero from the Core Set. His Stat Value is 150%.

His defence of three for his Threat Cost of eight make him a very efficient defender for your team. The Lore sphere which he belongs to also has access to some good cards for cancelling shadow effects and healing your characters if they ever get hit by an enemy that is tougher than normal.

There are four other Heroes with a defence of three. It is interesting to note that two of them have good Stat Values and two do not.

The two that do are Dain Ironfoot and Erkenbrand. Dain's defence of three and Threat Cost of 11 give him a Stat value of 109%. However you are more likely to find him useful for his ongoing power than for his defending ability. Erkenbrand's defence of three and Threat Cost of 10 give him a Stat Value of 120%. His power makes it obvious that he is good for one job, defending.

The two Heroes with three defence that have a Stat Value of less than 100% are Elrond (Lore) and Gandalf (Neutral). Elrond has a Stat Value of 92% and Gandalf has a Stat Value of 86%. In both cases this is due to their highest value stat of three being not so great compared to their Threat Costs of thirteen and fourteen respectively. But obviously their Threat Costs need to be this high due to them having powerful stats across the board; they are not one-trick ponies. So here we can make an observation; Heroes which have more than one powerful stat may score badly for Stat Value.

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